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Did Someone Say "JAM?!?"

On Monday, I spent the entire day making jam. I had hoped to leave this extremely hot task to Autumn/ Winter this year, but we need the freezer space for milk! In May and June I was buying strawberries and cherries while they were on sale and prepping them for jam. I'd pit/cut/smash the fruit in the quantity needed for a batch of jam and freeze it for actual jamming later. Much later. When I didn't have to dread having a giant pot of boiling water bubbling on the stove top all day. But alas, these goats had other ideas!

On the left: Four batches of strawberries thawing and waiting their turn for the jam pot. I don't add anything to the fruit before I freeze it, so this is simply 24 cups of smashed berries.

On the right: The product of my morning's work - 4 batches of cherry jam. They'll rest here overnight to make sure the seals are tight. In the morning, I'll check every seal, make sure the jars are clean and dry, and attach the labels.

On the left: One nice byproduct of this project is using up these super cute labels I've literally had for years just "waiting on the right project." After all my cleaning out and minimizing last fall, I have to make a concerted effort to use what we already have rather than just buying new supplies for each new project.

On the right: 70 jars of jam! We have Cherry, Cherry Pie, Spiced Tart Cherry, Strawberry, and Strawberry Vanilla.

© 2017 Thornberry Gatwick

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